Is it just me, or have you ever noticed that the same people who defend obscene CEO bonuses because "otherwise they would work at some other corporation. It's the free market," are the same people who say that giving more money to teachers just won't do anything to improve education?
If conservatives really want to run the government like a company, and if the educational system has trouble attracting and retaining quality personnel, isn't there one obvious solution?
Of course we all know that raising teacher pay would just be throwing more money at the problem. I have to admit to the logic of that. After all, look at the money we've thrown at the War on (some) Drugs and Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro and Mexican dirt weed both resolutely refuse to disappear. So maybe throwing money at the problem isn't the solution. I am also absolutely confident that the conservative route of gradually strangling the public school system will do nothing to improve education in this country.
It's hard to appreciate this if you were never a Macintosh
luseruser, but my Mac has been up for 15 days and two hours.
Now, old Mac fans (you know who you are, as T-Rock sez) can you
imagine going two weeks without a restart? Fifteen days without a cute little bomb icon and a very friendly and absolutely-opaque error message which was always a euphemism for "you're fucked, pal"?
MacOS X is the shiznit. Get it and you too will become a convert.
If you're some hot-shiite Windows nerd, you may be of the opinion that Apple's Kung-Fu is weak. That would be a mistake. Behind the shiny, helpful Macintosh interface is the steel of FreeBSD Unix. Your DOS bounces harmlessly off of my command line!