Whenever I mention your name I throw in a link. But do you do that to me? From now onevery word Iwritewill be a linkto yourpage. =>) Phew. That was time consuming, especially considering it's not as funny as I thought it would be. Actually, I'm not taking kid69 to task, especially as he has a nice, prominent link to my unworthy web page. I think it comes down to a difference in style of blogging. Tom has a great link gallery, and uses those links to good effect. I prefer to drop links into my posts, ideally as the punchline to a joke. The late, great Suck did it the best.
Currently listening to "The Black Regent" by Add N to (X). Reminds me of a not-quite-tuned-in but nonetheless melodic shortwave radio. Their homepage is down, so you get the Rollingstone.com page instead, lucky you.
Working late again. Currently I-Tuning "Five Years" by Yo La Tengo. Transcendent guitar pop that is unbelievably good, considering it came off their first album. If I was in a band, I would be so incredibly intimidated by an exquisite first effort like Ride the Tiger. Hell, I'm NOT in a band and it's intimidating. These guys are good, and if you love rock and roll you'll go buy that album today, you hear me? You can also listen to a sample. If you have windows media player. OK, back to work.
Your quote of the day, courtesy of Drinky McDumbass. "We will export death and violence to the four corners of the earth in defense of this great country and rid the world of evil."
Yes, he really said that, completely unscathed by the metric ton of irony implicit in using death and violence to get rid of evil. What is he, a fucking action hero?
File under "As If You Cared" Current tune: Anarchy Burger (Hold the Government) by the Vandals. Juvenile, but great stuff. It's classic SoCal punk rock.
Sorry about the quiet week... Yes, it's deadline time again, and I have to turn my attentions away from this mighty engine of publishing that is my Blog. Go read Bartcop, or something.